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the design of houses for the wealthy

Knotts Green House was rebuilt on older foundations soon after Gilbert Slater bought the property in 1785, making it the highest rated private property in Leyton at that time.  Later plans show a roughly square building at right-angles to Knotts Green, with a curved bay window on the north and south fronts.    

Edward Rowe Mores built Etloe House in 1760.  It was described (by Lysons) as ‘of whimsical construction’ but was later remodelled and we do not know what it looked like originally.  Including the basement it has 5 storeys with two full-height bays at the back.    

Forest House was remodelled by Samuel Bosanquet in the 1750s, probably by adding a balustrade, rendering the front, and rebuilding the rear wall.  A mid-19th century map shows the rear to have wings projecting north-east towards Epping Forest.

1727 accession of George II to
1793 execution of Louis XVI of France

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